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Which students use Blue Castle?
Can I access my results through Blue Castle following mobility to Ningbo / Malaysia?
How do I access my assessment results if I am a pre-sessional English (CELE) student?
Will I receive an email with my award, my marks and my progression profile?
How do I find out if I have to take any resits?
How much is the resit fee and how do I pay?
Can I take my resits in a different country?
What do I do if I want to appeal against a decision about my progression or award?
Why can't I see my award/marks/progression status?
How do I access Blue Castle?
Can I access my resit results through Blue Castle?
When will I be able to see information about my degree, my award, my marks and my progression on Blue Castle?
What do I do if I don't know my username or have forgotten my password to Blue Castle?
Why can’t I log into Blue Castle although I have my username and password?
I get an 'access denied' message when I try to log into Blue Castle what should I do?
What should I do if the webpage doesn't display properly when I log in to Blue Castle using Internet Explorer?
My friend can see their marks and other information on Blue Castle but I cannot
How do I know which exams I will be entered for?
What should I do if there is an exam missing from my timetable?
When is the exam timetable published?
How can I contact the assessment team?
How many resits am I entitled to?
What is a compulsory transfer to a different degree?
What does 'University Withdrawal, Lower Award' mean?
What does 'termination of degree - eligible for a lower award' mean?
What does 'Termination of Studies - No award' mean?
What is 'reassessment in attendance'?
What is 'reassessment not in attendance'?
What does 'Student Withdrawal - Lower Award' mean?
Can my work be re-marked/can I appeal?
What is a derived mark?
I've received my resit results and am returning to Nottingham, when can I register?
Read this FAQ if you have completed resits in the summer and want information on registration
How do I contact the Support and Wellbeing teams?
I have a first sit but can see my mark in moodle - is that right?
What is a supplementary resit?