If you are a new student, make sure you are logging in with your university username and not your applicant ID.
See, 'As a new student, how do I activate my university username and password?' for help.
If you try to complete your online registration before you have received your registration email, you will not see the Registration tile and will not be able to complete registration.Please await the email, dueapproximately three weeks beforeyour start date and try again. Make sure that you check your Spam/Junk folder. Please note that you will be unable to complete online registration until you have activate your IT account and recevied a registration email. This will usually be sent three weeks before your course start date. If you have not yet received it, please check your application status.
If you are a returning student, you will be invited to register from mid-August. If you have undertaken assessment in August, registration will be open for you from 26 September.
Please also try clearing your cache and/or accessing through a different browser.
How to clear your cache:
Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox
If the tile still isn’t visible please Ask us a question.