
If you have hired your gown through Ede and Ravenscroft the information below applies. If you have ordered elsewhere, please see the terms and conditions on the companies website.

Hire products that are not subject to agreed extra hire time (see below) must be returned on the date of the ceremony to the Ede & Ravenscroft collection area set aside by the university.

For an extra charge as specified on the Ede and Ravenscroft site, and when ordered at the time you place your order (unless agreed to a subsequent change (see Changes to orders), you may keep your hire products for an extra seven days after the ceremony. In that case, you have the responsibility for returning the hire products to Ede and Ravenscroft directly in the postage-paid bag provided and you should obtain and retain proof of postage when you do so. Hire products must not be taken out of the United Kingdom. Please note that extra hire time is not available for legal dress hire products.

Overdue returns will incur an extra charge at the rate of half the original hire fee per week or part thereof.

For any further questions, please contact Ede and Ravenscroft directly.