
The time permitted for your E-Exam includes 30 minutes for uploading work. This means the deadline on Moodle for your E-Exam will be the correct deadline (unless stated otherwise).


Work submitted after the deadline (inclusive of the 30 minutes mentioned above) will receive a mark of zero unless there is an approved extenuating circumstances claim submitted within the appropriate timescales (seven calendar days from the date of your assessment for exams, anytime before the deadline for coursework).   


The purpose of the 30 minutes offered is to allow for IT issues that may sometimes occur at the time of uploading work.


Extenuating Circumstances (ECs) will not be approved if your work is late but you only started to upload your work during the last few minutes.  


NOTE: This does not apply to ExamSys (previously ROGO) assessments!


For more information on E-Exams, see here.