Some ExamSys exams are taking place remotely, whilst others are on campus. Please check your timetable to find out which applies to your modules.

On campus: invigilators will be available to assist if there are any technical issues during your exam.

Online: For online ExamSys, please read the helpful guide. Please note you will notice a discrepancy between the duration stated on your exam timetable and the duration that shows on the start screen of your exam and on your countdown timer. This will usually be a discrepancy of 10 minutes of additional time on your start screen.

This additional time has been added to the duration of the exam to account for any minor technical difficulties that you may experience – for example Wi-Fi instabilities, screen freezing, or sudden and unexpected device updates.

You should not use this time unless you need it. If you do need it, please note the technical difficulties you have experienced using the query form linked at the end of the exam. Use of this additional time can be monitored by markers.