Where you have an approved Extenuating Circumstances claim, with an outcome of 1c - First sit awarded, this means you will be allowed a further attempt for which the mark gained will count as your first mark (a first sit).
Any original work completed will not be marked, or the mark will be voided. You must attend this first sit to gain a mark for this assessment.
NOTE: Moodle will contain all data on whether the first sit will be in person or an online exam.
For online exams, Moodle will be updated in advance of the exam period with the correct date, time and duration in addition to the master/personal exam timetables.
First sits will normally take place in the next reassessment period. Where this differs you will be notified.
First sits will normally take place in the next reassessment period. Where this differs you will be notified.
The exam timetable is usually released a few weeks ahead of the exam period – your first sit should be identified correctly both on Blue Castle and in your timetable.
Finalists taking first sits in August will not be eligible to graduate in July. Graduation for these students will be delayed until the next in person event in December, or inter-ceremony (remote) graduation from October.
For up to date information on Graduation, please see the Graduation UoN webpage here.
If you find any discrepancies, please contact your local assessment team to correct/clarify by raising an enquiry via the student enquiries centre
Please find more details on reassessments here.
Also see ‘What is a first sit’ or ‘What is the difference between a first sit and resit’ for more guidance.
Details on the new EC Procedure from 25th September 2023
See the Student information page on ECs from 25th September 2023