Please do not worry if your tuition fees will be paid a few days after the due date, if your payment is likely to be delayed by more than a week past the due date please contact the Student Accounts team at to discuss what to do next.
Ultimately your IT and Library access will be restricted if your tuition fees remain unpaid. Before this happens, you will receive reminder emails or text messages to pay your charges, and then a warning that this restriction will happen.

If your IT access is restricted, please contact the Student Accounts Services Team on to discuss payment of your outstanding debt and the reinstatement of your facilities. 

If you do not pay within 14 days of being restricted, you should expect suspension of your student record which means you will not be a registered student and you will not be entitled to any service from the University.  

If your fees remain unpaid you will not be able to re-register in the next academic year or graduate. 

More information about what happens when fees remain unpaid, including accommodation charges, can be found here.